Making Monday Pretty: Facial Massage

Posted by Hayley French on

We've been hearing about facial massage for a little while now and the many ways it can benefit your skin, however we were completely at a loss as to how to properly go about executing said massage. While perusing the Body Shop a few weeks back I spotted this little device made especially for facial massage and couldn't resist. It's nodular design provides an in depth massage without pulling at thin or delicate skin, and is said to stimulate circulation, alleviate dullness, sagging and frown lines and also help with the absorption of creams or serums, sign us up! For the last couple of weeks, I have been applying my serum (or coconut oil if i want extra hydration!) to clean skin and then massaging away while watching some TV before bed, and not only does this feel great on my skin, but it's pretty fun too and I am left with a beautiful glow. Added bonus: while looking online for suggestions on massaging techniques I came across a video of my favourite skin care guru quickly showing us to use it, and I always trust her seal of approval!

The Facial Massager, available at The Body Shop, $8

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